Fun Times at The Kubernetes Forum Seoul and Sydney 2019

Hello everyone! I’m excited to write this post about my experience at the Kubernetes Forum Seoul and Sydney 2019. My journey started in San Francisco on Friday evening, December 6th, 2019, on a flight to Seoul. I arrived in Seoul on Sunday, December 8th, in the morning and had plenty of time during the day to rest in the hotel at the venue, The Seoul Dragon City. As speakers, we were invited along with the organizers and community leaders to an event dinner in the Goguryeo room. []

Kubernetes on GCP

Kubernetes has come a long way over the last 2 years and I was so excited to learn about during CloudNativeCon/Kubecon Berlin this year. As of Today Kops the standard tool for installing Kubernetes on AWS doesn’t support GCP yet (it’s in the works). However you can still setup your cluster using good old There’s also a pretty good explanation on the k8s docs. Make sure you install the Google Cloud SDK with gcloud and all their utils. []

CloudNativeCon KubeCon Europe

This same blog entry is here. Thanks to the cncf folks who helped me put this together. I’ve attended many conferences before, but I was happy to get the diversity scholarship to attend CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe 2017 in Berlin as there is always so much more to learn. It was my first time attending an event organized by the Linux Foundation, and I hope to attend more in the future. []