DC/OS is the commercialized Mesos distribution + extras maintained by Mesosphere. I found it very straight forward to setup in GCP with the out of the box Ansible scripts provided by Mesosphere. For starters I followed everything described in the README. Then, I had to modify the group_vars/all file in the playbook --- project: <my-gcp-project-id> subnet: default login_name: <my-gcp-login-id-with-no-email> bootstrap_public_ip: # This IP need to match the network in the zone zone: us-central1-c master_boot_disk_size: 200 # 200 is the recommended in GCP as of 05-2017 master_machine_type: n1-standard-1 master_boot_disk_type: pd-standard agent_boot_disk_size: 200 agent_machine_type: n1-standard-1 agent_boot_disk_type: pd-standard agent_instance_type: "MIGRATE" agent_type: private start_id: 0001 end_id: 0001 gcloudbin: gcloud image: 'centos-7-v20161027' image_project: 'centos-cloud' bootstrap_public_port: 8080 cluster_name: cluster_name scopes: "default=https://www. []
gcp  dcos  mesos  google