Fun Times at The Kubernetes Forum Seoul and Sydney 2019

Hello everyone! I’m excited to write this post about my experience at the Kubernetes Forum Seoul and Sydney 2019. My journey started in San Francisco on Friday evening, December 6th, 2019, on a flight to Seoul. I arrived in Seoul on Sunday, December 8th, in the morning and had plenty of time during the day to rest in the hotel at the venue, The Seoul Dragon City. As speakers, we were invited along with the organizers and community leaders to an event dinner in the Goguryeo room. []

Running Scylla in Kata Containers

The Kata community has been busy getting the first release out the door. Virtual Machines have been around in the industry for over 20 years. One of the most attractive features of Kata is that it runs containers in VMs and VMs are very stable and provide very good isolation of your compute resources hardware. Furthermore, virtualization systems like KVM, Xen and VMware provide multiple ways to attach to dedicated storage. []

The Boom of Container Runtimes

It has been about 4 years since Docker exploded into the scene of Cloud Infrastructure. With that came a shift in cloud applications from monolithic to microservices. Containers made it easy for developers to deploy directly to production mostly caring about the scope of her/his microservice. Enter container orchestration tools such as Kubernetes, Mesos, AWS ECS, GKE, Azure Container Service which allow cloud operations to manage containers at scale. Setup these tools with a redundant masters as quorum systems (k8s, mesos) and add hundreds of nodes or slaves and automatically scale your containers up and down depending on demand. []

Working At Branch

It has been about 4 months since I started working at Branch and wanted to reflect on what it’s been like. I can truly say that I’m enjoying everything about it. The environment is fantastic, my co-workers are awesome, and we all come from various backgrounds. I like the fact that the company takes their values seriously and the founding team is focused on making working at Branch the best experience you’ve ever had in your career. []

Kubernetes on GCP

Kubernetes has come a long way over the last 2 years and I was so excited to learn about during CloudNativeCon/Kubecon Berlin this year. As of Today Kops the standard tool for installing Kubernetes on AWS doesn’t support GCP yet (it’s in the works). However you can still setup your cluster using good old There’s also a pretty good explanation on the k8s docs. Make sure you install the Google Cloud SDK with gcloud and all their utils. []


DC/OS is the commercialized Mesos distribution + extras maintained by Mesosphere. I found it very straight forward to setup in GCP with the out of the box Ansible scripts provided by Mesosphere. For starters I followed everything described in the README. Then, I had to modify the group_vars/all file in the playbook --- project: <my-gcp-project-id> subnet: default login_name: <my-gcp-login-id-with-no-email> bootstrap_public_ip: # This IP need to match the network in the zone zone: us-central1-c master_boot_disk_size: 200 # 200 is the recommended in GCP as of 05-2017 master_machine_type: n1-standard-1 master_boot_disk_type: pd-standard agent_boot_disk_size: 200 agent_machine_type: n1-standard-1 agent_boot_disk_type: pd-standard agent_instance_type: "MIGRATE" agent_type: private start_id: 0001 end_id: 0001 gcloudbin: gcloud image: 'centos-7-v20161027' image_project: 'centos-cloud' bootstrap_public_port: 8080 cluster_name: cluster_name scopes: "default=https://www. []
gcp  dcos  mesos  google 

Parsing Deeply Nested JSON in Go

Parsing deeply nested json in Go is a bit challenging due to the fact that the language doesn’t provide many helpers to do so. If you do that in Ruby or Python it’s pretty straight forward running some like this in Python j = json.load(jsonstring) or in Ruby j = JSON.load(jsonstring). In go generally you have to prefine your structs and run through an Unmarshal function which means that most of the times you need to know ahead of time what the nest level and structure of your target json is to parse it. []
json  gjson  go 

CloudNativeCon KubeCon Europe

This same blog entry is here. Thanks to the cncf folks who helped me put this together. I’ve attended many conferences before, but I was happy to get the diversity scholarship to attend CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Europe 2017 in Berlin as there is always so much more to learn. It was my first time attending an event organized by the Linux Foundation, and I hope to attend more in the future. []

LXC Playing

Over the last couple of years Docker has seen incredible growth across the tech industry. Its use ties together with deployment of Microservices in most Cloud based companies. Docker is easy to use and its in constant development. In the last month I decided to venture and try something different that has been around even before Docker but in a more primitive form. You see containers have been around before Docker for a long time and even before that with the introduction of chroot in 1979. []