Kubernetes on GCP

Kubernetes has come a long way over the last 2 years and I was so excited to learn about during CloudNativeCon/Kubecon Berlin this year. As of Today Kops the standard tool for installing Kubernetes on AWS doesn’t support GCP yet (it’s in the works). However you can still setup your cluster using good old kube-up.sh. There’s also a pretty good explanation on the k8s docs. Make sure you install the Google Cloud SDK with gcloud and all their utils. []


DC/OS is the commercialized Mesos distribution + extras maintained by Mesosphere. I found it very straight forward to setup in GCP with the out of the box Ansible scripts provided by Mesosphere. For starters I followed everything described in the README. Then, I had to modify the group_vars/all file in the playbook --- project: <my-gcp-project-id> subnet: default login_name: <my-gcp-login-id-with-no-email> bootstrap_public_ip: # This IP need to match the network in the zone zone: us-central1-c master_boot_disk_size: 200 # 200 is the recommended in GCP as of 05-2017 master_machine_type: n1-standard-1 master_boot_disk_type: pd-standard agent_boot_disk_size: 200 agent_machine_type: n1-standard-1 agent_boot_disk_type: pd-standard agent_instance_type: "MIGRATE" agent_type: private start_id: 0001 end_id: 0001 gcloudbin: gcloud image: 'centos-7-v20161027' image_project: 'centos-cloud' bootstrap_public_port: 8080 cluster_name: cluster_name scopes: "default=https://www. []
gcp  dcos  mesos  google